Guiding Values

Everything created with the Brilliance Academy Coach Certification Program is deeply purposeful and rooted in clearly defined intentions. It’s important to know what these core values are in order to understand whether or not this program would be a good fit for you.

The guiding principles of the Brilliance Academy Coach Certification Program are:

  • Commitment to authenticity. It is our belief that one of the best things we can do for you as your coach trainers is to give you the support and tools you need to be absolutely clear on your authenticity. This will ensure the longevity of your success as a coach more than anything else. The curriculum and program materials we will give you are immensely powerful tools, but they are taken to a whole other level of effectiveness when you learn how to make them yours.  A certain portion of our training is dedicated to just that. You’ll identify the specific ways in which you will customize the training for your needs and your audience so that you are operating in the most authentic way possible. 
  • Prioritize experiential learning. Professional success is always based first on a strong foundation of ongoing personal growth work. If one wants to be an empowerment coach, they need to go through the process themselves first. That’s why each trainee in the Brilliance Academy is required to go through the entire Brilliance curriculum themselves first as a client. Only then do you start practice coaching others during our training. By the end of the training, you’ll have experienced first-hand how the program transforms, and you’ll be readily prepared to offer it up to others and skillfully adapt the program to varying clients’ needs. 
  • Promote excellence. If we want to master the basics of empowerment, it’s imperative that we break free from the illusion of perfection. Instead, we adhere to a personal standard of excellence, which means we pledge an ongoing commitment to doing our best with wherever we are and with whatever we’ve got. We stop striving for some arbitrary goal of perfection and instead embrace our humanity so we can truly let our brilliance shine. 
  • Utilize an integrated approach. All too often in the coaching world, the concept of empowerment gets relegated to being mere goal-setting or time management strategies focused on attaining personal fulfillment. Such a limited approach will not succeed in initiating sustainable, transformative change in clients. One must work at every level – body, mind, and spirit – in order to truly ignite the potential in another. The Brilliance Academy employs an integrated empowerment model that guides practitioners through mental exercises, embodiment exercises, emotion-centered inquiries; and intuitive based activities that allow a client to use all forms of their wisdom during their empowerment journey.
  • Celebrate diversity. In this training, we reject assumptions and stereotypes, and instead choose to celebrate the diversity among ourselves and our clients. We work on the premise that our clients are vibrant, whole beings that hold infinite wisdom about what’s best for their process. By meeting people where they’re at and creating a space for them to safely explore their potential, we show them that it’s possible for them to own their brilliance fully.
  • Commit to inclusivity and equity in all that we do. Empowerment work does not happen in a vacuum, and if we want to learn how to be effective empowerment practitioners, then we need to 1) acknowledge and learn about the systemic racism, discrimination, and injustices that plague our world; 2) commit to serious self-inquiry and inner work around our own biases, prejudices, and ways in which we may be unconsciously perpetuating racism and/or discrimination of any kind; and 3) determine how we aim to be part of the solution in making our world a more just and equitable place and follow through on those intentions.

    At the
    Brilliance Academy, we whole-heartedly understand that learning how to be part of the solution is a process, and we humbly acknowledge we still have so much to learn here. We are committed to staying actively engaged in our own inquiry to better ourselves and our training towards this end. Currently, we have committed to hiring outside DEI consultants and guest speakers from diverse backgrounds to provide a curriculum that truly reflects the scope of individuals in our world.

    Our curriculum includes required training on gender, race, class, oppression, disabilities, sizeism, and LGBTQIA+ issues. We are also committed to leveraging our influence to drive strategic change in the coaching industry overall to be a more just, equitable, and diverse space. We believe in transparency and will be sharing more details about our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity in the coming days. We also welcome any suggestions on how we can do better.

  • Encourage curiosity and healthy risk-taking. Throughout this training, we encourage trainees to question the status quo in their life and take risks from a place of deep inner guidance, rather than from a reactive place of impatience or frustration. Through purposeful self-inquiry, you are guided to birth true innovations that build empathy, enhance creativity, and support unitive solutions for a better future.
  • Embrace vulnerabilities. In this training, we see vulnerabilities as essential to our growth and understand they hold the key to fully owning our deepest strengths. We encourage trainees to build up a healthy tolerance for the uncomfortable, so they can thrive even in a world of great uncertainty. Trainees also learn how to employ these vulnerability-embracing and resiliency techniques with their clients as well.
  • Support a revolution in consciousness. Once personally empowered, you are a living, breathing example of what’s possible for others too. You are awakened to how your gifts can support the greater whole in big and small ways, and your radiance is infectious. The Brilliance Academy supports a revolution in consciousness by encouraging individuals to act from that place of deep knowing that we are all connected. Ultimately, through this work, we aim to be effective and compassionate change agents in this world.



“Brilliance gave me the roadmap; the method, tools, strategies and philosophy to help make change happen. This training has been THE foundation for my personal growth and my business.”

- Chris, Brilliance Academy Training Graduate