How We’re Different

No two coach certification programs are alike, and it can feel confusing and overwhelming to navigate your options, especially since many people offering trainings are not actually trained coaches, but just excellent marketers.

Here’s what makes Brilliance Academy stand out from the rest:

  • We only accept a maximum of 16 qualified and interviewed applicants. You will get unprecedented one-on-one support that far surpasses the industry standard since most other trainings are upwards of 50 people, many having hundreds or even thousands of trainees at a time! This small group training format is ideal for doing a deeper dive into the intricacies of coaching and allows us to select the best of the best candidates for creating a strong and committed learning community. You will have comprehensive support network around you, one that actually knows you well and has the time and energy to invest in your process.


  • There are no power dynamics or guru-worship here. Sadly, there’s a lot out there in the coaching industry that preys upon people’s fears and insecurities to get them to join a program. You may be led to believe that you have to study with a particular famous coach or learn a specific famous coaching technology to have a successful training experience and get traction in your business.

    At the Brilliance Academy, our training is a co-creative process, meaning we do not work from a model that assumes that since we’re the trainers, we’re the only ones with knowledge. Wrong! We see each member of the training cohort as a student and a teacher at the same time. Each of us will have wisdom and insights to offer, and each of us will enhance the learning of our space in unique and powerful ways.

    And even though we do teach you a very specific Brilliance Coaching Curriculum, we make no assertion that it is the only way to coach. It is one coaching technology among many, and one we provide to you because of its comprehensive nature and its ability to be easily adjusted to meet your unique coaching needs. We have no interest in creating cookie-cutter coaches here. We do have interest, however, in supporting you in discovering your authentic voice as a coach so you can bring your unique form of brilliance to this world for the benefit of all.
  • We teach you about the process of coaching as well as the tools. Being an impactful coach requires more than just being practiced in a bunch of goal-setting exercises, visioning techniques, and other trendy coaching tactics. You need to understand how to facilitate your clients through a process of self-empowerment.

    At the Brilliance Academy, we believe empowerment is not so much an end goal as it is an on-going journey of awakening and activating one’s potential within. It’s a multi-dimensional process that happens on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. And as a coach, you need to be familiar with how to guide a person through the particulars of such a personal experience. The work is client-driven, and a coach skilled in techniques and process is a coach well positioned to help their clients thrive.
  • We help you walk your talk. At the Brilliance Academy, we believe that a commitment to personal growth and development is the strong foundation upon which any successful entrepreneurial business must stand. As such, we require each of our trainees to go through the 12 session Brilliance Curriculum as a client themselves first before they start practice coaching with it or using it in their business.

    This element of the training is built into the core of the program and is not something you pay extra for. It is essential to your learning, and it is where so much of the education spontaneously happens. Here, you’re given the runway needed to explore your personal transformation so that you can land firmly in a place of deep authenticity and let that be the starting point of your successful business.
  •  We are committed to revolutionizing the coach training industry, and that starts with revolutionizing ourselves. The coaching industry is overwhelming white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, and female. And that sorely needs to change. We need to be more sophisticated about how we think of empowerment if we are going to create a more just and socially equitable world. At the Brilliance Academy, we work towards this end by bringing diverse types of people together in a purposeful and intentional program to not only listen and learn from each other and share experiences, but also to create possibilities for greater accountability and commitment to transforming our current systems and society.

    Focusing on the unit of the individual alone is not enough to shift the landscape. We also need to look at the institutional systems and societies we create as those structures invariably impact the way our world works. Our curriculum includes required training on gender, race, class, oppression, disability, sizeism, and LGBTQIA+ issues. The majority of other trainings do not. We are also committed to leveraging our influence to drive strategic change in the coaching industry overall.

    At the Brilliance Academy, we whole-heartedly understand that learning how to be part of the solution of creating a more just and equitable world is a process, and we humbly acknowledge we personally still have so much to learn here. We believe in transparency and will be sharing more details about our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity in the coming days. We also welcome any suggestions on how we can do better.
  •  We teach you how to be a thought leader, business owner, and coach. Our training does not just focus on making you a fantastic coach. We also aim to prepare you to step into your role as a unique thought leader in the coaching world or other industry relevant to your professional field. By the end of the training, we want you to have clarity on what you want to be a stand for in your work in the world. Or if not completely clear, we want you to at least have the tools and strategic plan set in place to explore the options.

    Our hope is to position you for greatest impact and success possible. This also means you’ll need to know how to run a successful coach business and be clear on the first steps to prioritize when you finish your coach training. We dedicate a whole portion of the training that teaches you all you need to know to hit the ground running and create a thriving, abundant, and sustainable coaching practice.
  • We teach coaching as a whole-body, integrative process. We are not just brains being carried around in unintelligent bodies. Quite the opposite. We humans are vibrant creatures with complexities that span the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. As such, as coaches, we need to understand how to navigate the subtleties of the personal empowerment process from all levels. At the Brilliance Academy, you will learn a breadth of coaching tools, techniques, and methodologies that speak to all parts of our human-ness. You will receive training in somatic (body-based) practices, meditation and breathing techniques, emotional regulation techniques, trauma-informed mindfulness practices, visualization techniques, intuition building techniques, and so much more. You will leave prepared and ready to serve at every level.

“Profoundly life changing. The Brilliance Academy leads you on a journey of self-discovery that is both broad and deep, and presents specific and effective strategies for peeling away the layers, to reveal the brilliance that lies within.”

- Lois, Brilliance Academy Training Graduate