Application - Early Bird Discount Deadline: December 1st

Only 16 highly qualified individuals are accepted to this training to ensure for the most exceptional learning environment possible. To apply for acceptance into the Brilliance Academy for Personal Transformation and Social Change Coach Certification Program, please fill out the questions below and press “submit.”

Once your questions have been received, you will be contacted within 48 hours to schedule a one-on-one interview with Amy. The program will fill up quickly on a first-come-first-serve basis. It is highly recommended to apply as early as possible.

SUGGESTION: Write your answers in a Word doc first so you can save them, and cut and paste into the form below when you are ready. This way, if your internet crashes or has a problem, you won’t lose your answers.

    1. Where did you hear about this program?

    2. Describe your education and professional training background. (Include formal schooling like college as well as other forms of schooling like yoga trainings, anti-racism training, etc. Include anything that would be relevant for us to know, no matter how long or short the schooling experience was. Please note you will not be discriminated against based on your background. This just helps us to know the larger context you’re working from.)

    3. Why do you want to be a Brilliance Coach?

    4. Why are you applying to this particular coach certification program over others?

    5. The Brilliance Academy is committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive collective and training program. If you are accepted into the training, as a co-creator of the space, is this a commitment you could get whole-heartedly behind? In your own words, please tell us what this commitment means to you and why it’s important.

    6. Describe how you plan to use your coach training post certification. (Do you plan to work part-time as coach? What populations do you want to work with? What specialty areas would you like to focus on? I realize you might not have a totally clear picture of this yet. Include whatever information you do have at this point.)

    7. How might you sabotage yourself during this training? Be specific.

    8. How will you proactively prevent yourself from self-sabotaging in that way?

    9. What strengths and skills will you bring to our small group learning environment? How will these support our learning community?

    10. Describe your experience, if any, with personal growth development methodologies. What practices, strategies, philosophies do you resonate with or actively practice? (You will not be discriminated against based on your experience. This just helps us to know the larger context you’re working from.)

    11. When you consider pursuing this training, what is your biggest fear? Your biggest hope?

    12. What sacrifices might you have to make in order to successfully complete this certification program?

    13. Briefly describe a specific significant challenge you’ve encountered and how you overcame it? (Please answer as honestly as you can.)

    14. Do you have a support network outside of the training group (family, friends, therapist, etc.) that can assist you during personal challenges or difficulties you encounter while on the path to certification? Please describe.

    15. Is there any other information you would like us to know in reference to your application?

    16. Please provide the name and contact information for one personal reference. Please also let me know how they know you and for how long.

    Thank you for completing your application! We are so excited to speak with you about being part of the Brilliance Academy 2022. We will be contacting you within 48 hours of receipt to schedule a virtual interview. Thank you!